The 29th SIBGRAPI edition

SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images is an international conference annually promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). Since 2003, special efforts have been made to publish extended versions of the best papers in special issues of well-qualified journals of the related areas.

Electronic Proceedings

SIBGRAPI’s proceedings are available on-line at IEEE Xplore and also at the SIBGRAPI Digital Library Archive maintained by the Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE).

Citation Format

author = {...},
title = {...},
year = {2016},
month = {october},
booktitle = {Electronic Proceedings of the 29th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI'16)},
editor = {F. A. M. Cappabianco and F. A. Faria and J. Almeida and T. S. Körting},
address = {São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil},
url = {}



The Federal Government of Brazil
Brazilian Computer Society
Federal University of São Paulo
Dean Of Student Affairs of the Federal University of São Paulo
Brazil's National Institute for Space Research