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Jurandy G. Almeida Jr.

Leader - Computer vision, deep learning, image processing, information retrieval, machine learning, and pattern recognition

Email.: jurandy [dot] almeida [at] unifesp [dot] br
Address: Rodovia João Leme dos Santos, km 110 - SP-264, Sorocaba, SP 18052-780
Phone.:   +55 (15) 3229-7522

Jurandy Almeida is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computing at the Federal University of São Carlos, campus of Sorocaba, Brazil (02/2022-present) and a Collaborator Professor in the Post-Graduate Program in Computer Science from the Federal University of São Paulo, campus of São José dos Campos, Brazil (02/2022-present). He used to hold a position as an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Science and Technology at the Federal University of São Paulo, campus of São José dos Campos, Brazil (08/2013-01/2022). Jurandy received his B.Sc. in Computer Science (2004) from São Paulo State University, Brazil, and his M.Sc. (2007) and Ph.D. (2011) degrees in Computer Science from University of Campinas, Brazil. He was a visiting scholar in the Dept. of Computing Science at the University of Alberta, Canada (05/2011-08/2011), a postdoctoral research fellow in the Institute of Computing at the University of Campinas, Brazil (12/2011-08/2013), an academic visitor in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the Bangor University, United Kingdom (01/2017-02/2017), and a visiting researcher in the Dept. of Information Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Trento, Italy (02/2019-02/2020). Jurandy is author/co-author of more than 70 articles in refereed journals and conferences and serves as program committee member and reviewer for several international and national conferences. His publications have been cited over 1,500 times and his h-index on Google Scholar is 22. He has been developing multidisciplinary research projects involving Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Image Processing, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, and Pattern Recognition.