Workshop of Theses and Dissertations

Citation Format

author = {...},
title = {...},
year = {2016},
month = {october},
booktitle = {Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD) in the 29th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI'16)},
editor = {J. P. Papa and R. Farias},
address = {São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil},
url = {http://gibis.unifesp.br/sibgrapi16}

Published Papers

A Keypoint Detector based on Visual and Depth Features  M.Sc.

Levi Vasconcelos (UFMG), Mario Campos (UFMG), Erickson Nascimento (UFMG)

An Approach for License Plate Recognition Based on Temporal Redundancy  M.Sc.

Gabriel R. Gonçalves (UFMG), David Menotti (UFPR), William Schwartz (UFMG)

Biometric Identification with 3D Fingerprints Acquired Through Optical Coherence Tomography  Ph.D.

Henrique Sergio Costa (UFPR), Olga Bellon (UFPR), Luciano Silva (UFPR)

Contributions to the Automatic Restoration of Images from Scenes in Participating Media  Ph.D.

Paulo Drews Jr. (UFMG), Erickson Nascimento (UFMG), Mario Campos (UFMG)

HAGR-D: A Gesture Recognition System based on CIPBR Algorithm  M.Sc.

Diego Santos (UPE), Bruno Fernandes (UPE), Byron Leite (UPE)

Human Action Identification in Videos using Descriptor with Autonomous Fragments and Multilevel Prediction  Ph.D.

Marlon Alcantara (IC-UNICAMP), Helio Pedrini (IC-UNICAMP)

Improvements on Human Skin Segmentation in Digital Images  M.Sc.

Anderson Santos (IC-UNICAMP), Helio Pedrini (IC-UNICAMP)

Interactive Lighting and Shading of 2.5D Models  M.Sc.

Bruno Augusto D. Marques (UFF & UFABC), João Paulo Gois (UFABC)

Interactive Segmentation of Objects in Images and Videos using Graphs and Fuzzy Models of Content Knowledge  Ph.D.

Thiago Vallin Spina (IC-UNICAMP), Alexandre Falcão (IC-UNICAMP)

Low-Cost Visual Feature Representations For Image Retrieval  M.Sc.

Ramon Pessoa (UFMG), William Schwartz (UFMG), Jefersson dos Santos (UFMG)

Multimodal Classification of Remote Sensing Images  M.Sc.

Edemir Ferreira Jr. (UFMG), Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo (UFMG), Jefersson dos Santos (UFMG)

Network Construction and Applications for Semi-Supervised Learning  Ph.D.

Lilian Berton (ICMC-USP), Alneu de Andrade Lopes (ICMC-USP)

On the Improvement of Three-Dimensional Reconstruction from Large Datasets  M.Sc.

Guilherme Potje (UFMG), Mario Campos (UFMG), Erickson Nascimento (UFMG)

Partial Least Squares for Face Hashing  M.Sc.

Cassio Elias dos Santos Jr. (UFMG), William Schwartz (UFMG)

Statistical and Deep Learning Algorithms for Annotating and Parsing Clothing Items in Fashion Photographs  M.Sc.

Keiller Nogueira (UFMG), Adriano Veloso (UFMG), Jefersson dos Santos (UFMG)

Strategies for Development and Evaluation of Video Summarization Algorithms  Ph.D.

Marcos Cirne (IC-UNICAMP), Helio Pedrini (IC-UNICAMP)

Support Model for Navigation on Sidewalks for Visually Impaired Persons  M.Sc.

Marcelo Cabral Ghilardi (PUCRS), Isabel Harb Manssour (PUCRS)

Texture Analysis using Complex System Models: Fractal Dimension, Swarm Systems and Non-Linear Diffusion  Ph.D.

Bruno Machado (ICMC-USP), Jose Fernando Rodrigues Jr. (ICMC-USP)

The Good, The Fast and The Better Pedestrian Detector  M.Sc.

Artur Jordão Correia (UFMG), William Schwartz (UFMG)

Vehicle Speed Estimation by License Plate Detection and Tracking  M.Sc.

Diogo Luvizon (UTFPR), Bogdan Nassu (UTFPR), Rodrigo Minetto (UTFPR)



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